Dog Boarding at a Kennel
Shopping around for a new boarding kennel/resort for your dog/dogs? Blackpaws would like to share some guidelines and questions you should be asking each facility you inquire with. If you’re new to dog ownership or boarding your loved one for the first time, there are some questions here you may not think to ask. We hope this helps you find the right place for your fur babies, whether it’s with us or !another facility
1. Can I tour the facility?
The answer should always be yes. If the answer is no, then that is a huge red flag. You as an owner have a right to see with your own eyes where your dog will be staying, how operations are run, how the mood of the guests are, etc. Pictures on a website are hand chosen by the owners and are a great general starting point but as a responsible owner, one should verify cleanliness, staff, housing and conditions of a facility. You should also be able to tour the ENTIRE facility, not just one portion or one bay. Many will show you what they want you to see. What’s behind closed doors is really what you should see. We welcome tours by appointment so we can spend the time needed with you!
2. Does my dog have outside access from their own personal kennel?
Some facilities do, some do not. Many facilities have some kennels that do and some that don’t. Ask which one your dog will be staying in? If not requested, you may find your dog is staying in an indoor only kennel. All BlackPaws kennels have a doggie door with access to their own outdoor 14’ run.
3. When do the lights go out? When is bed time and when is the last time your dog gets to go outside for a pee before they are brought inside for the night.
This is a question that most people don’t think about. You assume that the kennel is operational in the evenings. That isn’t always the case. In most cases lights out and staff leave anywhere between 6-6:30pm. That’s right. That means your dog is left in their kennel for almost 13 hours before they get to leave their room. This also means that your pet was probably put in their kennel at 5:00 so staff can clean. So when does the facility feed dinner? Some dogs are ok with this and some are not. Some simply cannot hold it for that long due to age, medical, etc. So we feel this is a very important question to ask. Here at BlackPaws, lights out is 9:30 - 10:00 pm. Every dog has not only access to their outdoor 14’ run but have access outside of their run onto grass fields to take care of their business. They also get to play after dinner. We feel a schedule closest to their own at home is best for their bladders and their overall well-being.
4. How many animals can the facility hold?
Knowing the answer to this question may not seem like a big deal and for some dogs, it really doesn’t matter if the facility can hold 20 or 130 (yes I say 130!) For some dogs the noise and busyness of a lot of dogs can be overwhelming. You are the best judge of what your dog can and cannot handle.
Dogs will always come home from a boarding stay and sleep for a day or two. One may think that’s because they had a great time and are so worn out from playing and running. We hope that’s always the case. Some unfortunately are exhausted from the non stop noise, anxiety and lack of sleep they got from being in a large boarding facility. As an owner, it is our responsibility to watch for post signs of anxiety and stress. If you find this may be the case, it may be time to look for a new environment for your dog.
We here at Blackpaws have a motto “less dogs, more space”. We have 36 kennels of all sizes. We find dogs acclimate very well to this environment.
5. How much outdoor time and how much space does my dog have to play and/or exercise in?
If your dog is energetic or high energy, it is important that they can truly run in full stride. Tired dogs are good dogs. Even if your dog is moderate or low energy, having multiple large grass spaces to run and frolic throughout the day is vital to their well being. Especially in their home away from home. Off leash and being able to smell and walk and run is key to a dog having a great stay. As well as large play fields we also have a 4 acre, fully enclosed and treed area for the dogs to run and explore. Whether its a group or a single, non-social pet. it is a wonderful break from the norm. We are a true resort!
6. Are their hidden costs?
So you’ve found a facility and you’ve toured and you’ve asked some questions. You see dogs playing outside and some dogs indoors in their kennel and you see someone walking a guest on leash, you see lots of treats, etc. Is the cost per night inclusive to all that you’ve seen and heard? Or are these all extra add ons?
Here at BlackPaws, everything is included. Whether your dog is big or small, social or non social, every dog gets the exact same privileges. There are no hidden fees.
This is a starting point for all dog owners to begin their search for the right boarding facility that matches their dog’s style and requirements. There are many great facilities out there, just different styles. You begin asking these questions and having conversations and more questions will just freely come to mind, more specific to your dog’s needs. We hope this helps everyone (especially new owners) find just the right facility that you can feel comfortable with leaving your fur family member. Nothings better than leaving for a vacation and not having to worry about how your dog is fairing while you’re away.